Saturday, 22 July 2017

3 Benefits of a Dehumidifier

Humidity can do more harm than you might imagine — especially in humid climates, and especially during the summer months. If you don’t have a dehumidifier, you could be subjecting yourself to a lot of unnecessary discomfort and health risks.
In this Blog, we’ll guide you through the main benefits of dehumidification, what to look for in a dehumidifier, and our top recommendations for any budget.
How a Dehumidifier Can Benefit You:
In simplest terms, a dehumidifier pulls in surrounding air, strips moisture from it, then circulates it back into the room. The moisture collects in a basin that you dump out every so often (in more advanced models, the moisture can be pumped out through a drainage tube).
3 Reasons to Use a Dehumidifier
Of the many reasons to monitor indoor humidity at home, here are the most important:
·  Humidity makes you feel hotter. According to the Heat Index Chart published by the NOAA, humidity during warm and hot weather can make you feel 3 to 18 degrees hotter (when comparing 50 to 80 percent humidity).
·  Humidity encourages bacteria and mold growth. Bacteria thrive at 50 percent humidity and higher while mold thrives at 70 percent humidity and higher. Both can have a negative impact on your health and should be minimized.
·  Humidity can damage home property. Excess moisture can warp wood, peel paint, fade photographs, and corrode metal. For this reason, even if you don’t get a dehumidifier, consider getting a few moisture sensors 11 Tech Purchases You Won't Regret Making 11 Tech Purchases You Won't Regret Making Buyer's remorse is no fun -- but with these 11 tech purchases, you won't have anything to worry about. If you're on the fence about any of them, it's time to buy. Read More for your home.
All year long, the ideal indoor humidity level is between 45 and 55 percent. However, fluctuations are normal with the comings and goings of weather, so a humidity level between 30 and 60 percent is often comfortable enough for most people.
Note that excess humidity is more easily felt in the summer, and anything over 50 percent may contribute to feelings of stickiness, mugginess, and general discomfort. Therefore, if you regularly have indoor humidity levels above 50 percent, we recommend buying a dehumidifier.

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